It has been too long since I've had an Accelerator Day (very low carbs). My husband was going to leave home for the day as I have been known to be a bit sensitive. I have found it hard to concentrate and had to head off from work through peak hour traffic which made me a bit fragile. Looking forward to having an early night but it's not going to happen. It's been a really trying week dealing with IT problems at work and I'm drained, but my issues were resolved this afternoon.
I'm not sure if a menopausal woman should be allowed to eat so few carbs. To be truthful, I cried once, screamed at a service provider twice, swore at another and had someone turn down a lift as they'd rather catch the bus than be trapped in a car with me. So it hasn't gone very well. To say I've been a bit touchy is an understatement!
Gym this morning - boxing session with my trainer. '100 high' yeah sure... I'm old! But I did it!
I've got my Goal Session tomorrow for the Weight Loss Challenge.
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