Minus 0.3kg.
Didn't 'ring the bell' for me. That's what I get for having a great birthday weekend. I was ready to have my cardio session with my beautiful new pink boxing gloves but it was time for a chat with my trainer, Alex.
We went into the 'Results Room' and I was half expecting to come out 5 kgs lighter with an arm amputated, but that didn't happen. We talked about not being 100% focussed (I know... still can't stay focussed eventhough I'm doing this blog! It's helping). How I can improve my weight loss? I'm actually feeling fitter and slimmer, so that's great. I'd had a good few days but no accelerator day and the positive is that I've lost 0.5kg in 2 weeks. This is great as I'd been piling this amount on very week prior to knuckling down. An accelerator day would have really helped but thought it best not to be too grumpy as there were a few family things on.
I'm flying to Singapore this afternoon for a few days to see friends and the Grand Prix. Looking forward to it and Alex has given me a few strategies for staying on 'track' (Grand Prix joke). I'll keep up the blog, get to the gym in the hotel, drink a lot of water - it's 32 degrees and do lots of walking.
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